Model Student Awards

Model Student Awards

Jun 2022

Student Voices Speech Compitition

Student Voices Speech Compitition

Oct 2022

NACIS Scholarship

NACIS Scholarship

Sep 2022


Based on the educational philosophy of "Be Ambitious", Nord Anglia Chinese International School has set up the "NACIS Scholarship" for secondary students. The candidates must meet the following five requirements.

1. Academic progress

2. Consistent good behavior and attendance

3. Contributions in sports, drama, music, art, debate and team competition

4. Contributions to students’ well-being, leadership, and a wider school community, such as participating in school committees, organizing or assisting in the development of lunch clubs and ECAs, serving as a class representative, or translating for parents, supporting school activities, participating in school games.

5. Contributions to a wider community outside NACIS Shanghai.

Due to my full attendance for two consecutive years, excellent academic performance throusghout the year in Grade 6, positive attitude during online courses last semester, serve as a class representative for teachers and students, actively participate in extracurricular activities and community affairs I was honored to get the highest award, NACIS Scholarship, from my school in the beginning of Grade 7.

Green Your Power Green Your Future

Green Your Power Green Your Future

2022 Student Voices Speech Competition

Speech: The Bravest Person

Speech: The Bravest Person

Jun 2021

Graduation Ceremony

Graduation Ceremony

Jun 2021

Bussiness Studies Review

Bussiness Studies Review

Sep 2022

Say No to Bullying! Be Kind

Say No to Bullying! Be Kind

Apr 2021


Pink Day is the school's annual anti-bullying event. In 2021, before my graduation from primary school, I gave a speech at the assembly for the entire school, Say No to bullying! Be kind! Through the experience of a young boy named Brian, a character in picture book The Invisible Boy, I show a bullying phenomenon that we often overlook, and that is Isolation.

I used to be a shy and quiet child in the lower grades of primary school like Brian, but as new classmates joined my class, I found that they were more nervous and sensitive. Therefore, I applied to join the school's psychological committee in the fifth grade. Under the guidance of teachers, I helped students in the class to solve the contradictions in getting along with others.

I was very grateful to Mr Sean and Ms Rose for their help, which enabled me to become more courageous and express my ideas boldly while serving others.